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What Doulas Don't Want You To Know

This is a humorous look into my brain and my thoughts, specifically. I’m sure there’s doulas who won’t agree with me and people who hate my tongue-in-cheek responses but to them I say, go write your own blog then!

If You’re Tired, We’re Tired

You are undeniably working hard in every sense - mentally, physically and emotionally - as you go through labor, but your doula is too! The physical requirements of providing hip squeezes, back massage, and position changes coupled with the mental strain of remembering what techniques work well for what complaints and the emotional highs and lows we go through with you… they all take a toll. Annndddd we might have forgotten to grab some food on our way to the birth so we’re hungry too. You’ll never know it though! We’re a calm, positive presence supporting you as you go through this experience. There’s time for a nap and a meal later but right now we have a client in labor and we are needed.

We Wish We Could Help Everyone

Seriously, everyone. Labor can be hard and it can be scary, especially without support and knowledge. Every doula I know struggles to charge appropriately for the value of their work, because we wish we could just take on every single pregnant person as a client so they have a positive birthing experience. That’s why we do this is because we want to help. Doulas are becoming more accessible, especially through Medicaid in Michigan and Tricare for military families, and this fills us with joy! “A doula for every person who wants one.” – DONA International

We Think You’re Beautiful

We don’t care if you’re sweaty, red-faced and doing horse lips through a contraction, you are beautiful. You are a picture of power and determination. And that moment when the baby is born and comes to your chest? There’s absolutely nothing more gorgeous in the entire world and we are blessed to witness it.

There you have it! Deep dark secrets of the doulas that we “don’t want you to know”. 😆

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