The voice of this blog, this website, this whole doula thing is me, Alysha. Hiya. I’m in my 30s, I’m a mother, DnD is life, and I change my hair color pretty frequently. That’s all cool information but you might be wondering what exactly motivated me to do all of this holistic birth stuff and that’s one thing I have an answer for – I was made this way. If you look at my natal chart, I have a Taurus sun, a Sagittarius moon, and a Virgo rising. My Human Design shows me as a Projector. My Gene Key is a 23 for my life’s work. My purpose in life is to help others.
Everything about me is set up to take care of other people but it took me several years and many failures to figure out exactly how I was meant to do so. I have a degree in massage therapy, a field I went into based on high school career testing because it allowed me to help people heal without hurting them. I worked for five years as a licensed massage therapist alongside a chiropractor and absolutely loved my job and my clients. When my family and I moved to North Carolina I babysat for other military families and took several courses to become an ACSM fitness trainer, though I never sat for the test. I tried being a Beachbody coach, I did a program to work in Human Resources, I even trained and became a Reiki master. I knew I wanted to help people but I was really struggling to figure out the best way to do so until I had my own child, got my ass kicked by postpartum anger, and met an amazing perinatal therapist at Balanced Wellness. She saw this drive in me and she continually encouraged me to pursue being a birth doula, despite my fears of failure. The idea took root and just felt so right, and later that year I took the training that set me on a whole new amazing, fulfilling path.
Now as a DONA certified birth doula and a stillbirthday bereavement doula I work with people of all descriptions to make sure they have the knowledge and support they need. I draw on my familiarity with massage, fitness, and energy work as well as metaphysical practices to give support to the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of a person experiencing pregnancy or loss. I take care of military families through the Tricare doula demonstration, I help those using Medicaid through the Michigan Doula Initiative, and I open my arms to anyone living outside the “norm” (looking at you, my LGBTQ+/pagan/poly/kinky people!) because everyone who wants one should have a doula, and they deserve a doula who accepts them as they are.
There’s a lot of doulas out there and I know my way of doing things is not a perfect fit for everyone. I also know the Universe will bring my people to my social media pages, to this website and blog, to me. Maybe you’re pregnant, maybe you’ve had a loss, maybe you’re looking for someone who won’t get scandalized and clutch their pearls when you talk about trying to conceive with your partners (plural). Whatever brought you here, we can chat about it and connect. Use that contact form or reach out on social media, ask me questions or tell me what’s going on. If you’re here, there’s a reason why.